Is Social Media dead?

While audience size is undoubtably massive, users are getting fed up with seeing more adverts than friends, as well as the questionable ethics of the platforms themselves. And while most businesses are using some form of social media as a marketing tool, it’s increasingly hard to keep up with the ever-changing formats and algorithms that prioritise certain types of content, not to mention the never ending content creation and advertising budget required.

The Power of People

As someone who has relocated countries twice, and about to head over to another one for a bit, I’m all too aware of how powerful professional networking can be. So many people have a real aversion to attending events or reaching out to strangers, but for any business owner, growing your connections is one of the most beneficial things you can spend time on. Read more

How to be Social

One of the biggest questions from clients starting out is ‘which social media platforms should I be on?’. Or rather, this should be the question, but what happens most often is a client will want to be on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter and Pinterest. You definitely don’t need to be on all of them, and its important to select the most appropriate channels for your business. Read more